The meeting was held in the Volcan Osorno room in the Hotel Patagonico. You can see a picture of the stunning volcano that is on the other side of the lake from the hotel.
The symposium covered all aspects of Antarctic vegetation from vascular plants to mosses and lichens.
Gustavo explained how the two vascular plants Deschampsia and Colabanthus have different strategies for coping with UV-B radiation, ranging from UV screening compounds to antioxidant compounds.
Angelica and Stef Bokhorst talked about their studies using Open top chambers to simulate warming in Antarctic vegetation on different Antarctic islands. We leant that some plants do better under warming than others and Stef showed us the insects that feed and live in the plants.
I talked about how mosses and lichens are responding to drying in East Antarctica on the other side of the continent. The session was very enjoyable and there were lots of good questions and discussion about Antarctic plants.
Afterwards we went to a great seafood restaurant for dinner and Pisco Sours!