Thursday, 29 September 2016 13:08


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Brief History

I was born in London but did most of my growing up on the North Coast of Cornwall. I moved back to London to study Genetics & Botany at University College London (UCL) and graduated with a First Class Honours Degree. I then worked for two years in student poltics, first at UCL as a Sabbatical Officer running UCL Student's Union  and then as an Executive Officer of the UK National Union of Students. My portfolios included equity in education, antiracism, diversity and student welfare. I completed a Graduate Certificate in in Science Education at Kings College London and worked as a high school science teacher in a London before returning to UCL to start a PhD on plant nitrogen metabolism.


 sharon robinson portrait web s


Professional Experience


2020 -present

Deputy Director (Science Implementation), Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future Program

2020 -present

Executive Director, Global Challenges Program, University of Wollongong

2018 -present

 Leader, Sustaining Coastal and Marine Zones, Global Challenges Program, University of Wollongong

2016 - present

Senior Professor, SEALS, The University of Wollongong

2016 - 2018

Associate Dean Graduate Research, University of Wollongong

2010 - 2015

Professor, Biological Sciences, The University of Wollongong


Deputy Director, Institute for Conservation Biology and Environmental Management, The University of Wollongong
Visiting Professor, University of Vienna
2005 - 2008
Director, Institute for Conservation Biology and Law, The University of Wollongong
2004-  2010
Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, The University of Wollongong
2000 - 2005
Head of Postgraduate Studies, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Wollongong
1999 - 2004
Senior Lecturer, Biological Sciences, The University of Wollongong
1996 -1999
Lecturer, Biological Sciences, The University of Wollongong
Research Fellow, Research School of Biological Sciences ANU
1992 - 1994
Postdoctoral Fellow, Research School of Biological Sciences, ANU
1990 - 1991
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Duke University, North Carolina


 Professional Activities


National & International Committees and Editorships

United Nations Environment Programme Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (2010 -)
Antarctic Science Advisory Committee (2009 - 2012)
Editor, Global Change Biology (2005 - present)
Editorial Advisory Committee, Functional Plant Biology (2002 - 2007)
Custodian Antarctic State of the Environment Indicator (2002 - present)


 University Governance

2005 - 2008 University Research Committee
2004 - present University Promotion and Probation Committee
1998 - 2002, 2005 - 2008 Science Faculty Research Committee
2002 - present Science Faculty Workloads Committee
2001 - 2005 University Library Consultative Committee
1996 - 2000 Science Faculty Library Committee (Chair 2001 – 2005)
1997 - 2000 Academic Senate
1998 - 1999 Co-chair University of Wollongong Tertiary Literacies Working Party
1998 - 1999 Science Faculty Representative at Health & Behavioural Science Faculty meetings
1998 Science Faculty Internationalisation Committee
1997 Introduction to Tertiary Teaching Curriculum Advisory Committee





2019 UOW Vice Chancellor’s Researcher of the Year
2019 Collaborative Team prize, UOW Scholars Impact Competition
2018 UOW Vice Chancellor’s Outstanding Achievement in Research Partnership and Impact Award
2017 The Sun Foundation Australia 2017 Peer Prize for Women 
2009 Chlorotube 2nd prize (You tube The Science of Cool)
2003 American Society of Plant Biologists
2001 (US$1000 to present Photosynthesis in silico CD)
2002 Australian Society of Plant Scientists’ Teaching Award
2001 Australian College of Education (Illawarra Branch)
2001 Outstanding contribution to Higher Education Award
1991 Irene Manton Prize, Linnean Society of London. Best UK PhD in Botany



Email:      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone:    +61 2 4221 5753
Office:     20.205a

University of Wollongong
Northfields Avenue






Read 11837 times Last modified on Thursday, 07 January 2021 19:21
Sharon Robinson

Senior Professor at University of Wollongong

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