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Friday, 23 September 2016 17:31

COST OPTIMISE Meeting - Milan, Italy

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Next stop was a 2 day workshop on Innovative optical Tools for proximal sensing of ecophysiological processes (OPTIMISE) in Milan. This was funded by COST which is an intergovernmental framework promoting European Cooperation in Science and Technology, through coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level.

The idea was to bring together scientists from around Europe working at bridging the gap between leaf and ground level measurements and those from satellites.  The 3 themes were  the use of unpiloted aerial vehicles (UAVs) for making near remote sensing, canopy chlorophyll fluoresence and solar induced fluoresence as a way of measuring plant productivity and stress, and databases to store all the data that gets collected.  It was really great to have an opportunity to consider these ecological and physiological questions at multiple scales.

For more information on OPTIMISE

Read 2328 times Last modified on Friday, 23 September 2016 17:31
Andrew Netherwood

Website designer and administrator. andrew@ndesign.net.au