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Friday, 23 September 2016 17:31

SCAR OSC 2014 - First Impressions

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The Robinson Research Group are in Auckland, New Zealand for the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference (OSC) 2014.

Sharon has brought along 3 of her PhD students: me (Diana), Mel and Rhys. Mel and I are in our final year of our PhD's and Rhys has only just begun. We are all presenting talks on our work (Rhys is talking about his honours work, he hasn't really got a PhD topic sorted out yet!).

We arrived in Auckland on Saturday, and checked in to our beautiful waterfront apartment. We wandered around Auckland that night, managing to find a supermarket for breakfast foods, and finding quite a nice Thai restaurant for dinner. 

The conference officially began Sunday night, at the Icebreaker Reception. We were welcomed by a traditional Maori dance troupe, with quite an enjoyable performance, which included the haka and the performance of traditional songs. Wine flowed freely while we mingled with the other delegates.

This morning the plenary seminars took place, with Dana Bergstrom's presentation the stand-out. She is currently working to bring the message of the global importance of Antarctic science to the world, through a cultural experience called Pure Antarctica. This exhibition will demonstrate the importance of Antarctic research to the general public, in a new and exciting way. More information is available at:

We are looking forward to many exciting talks throughout the conference!

Read 2331 times Last modified on Friday, 23 September 2016 17:31
Andrew Netherwood

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