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Thursday, 29 September 2016 13:06

Dr Mick Ashcroft

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Research Interests 

Landscape and regional scale climate modelling
Species distribution modelling
Impacts of climate change
 Mick Ashcroft 3psps


Abbreviated CV

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, Spatial Ecology, University of Wollongong, 2009
  • MEnvSci, University of Wollongong, 2003
  • BMath/BE (Elec), University of Wollongong, 1993


  • 2014-Current: Associate Research Fellow, University of Wollongong
  • 2013-2014: Project Officer, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
  • 2007-2013: Spatial Analyst, Australian Museum



Selected Publications

Ashcroft MB, Cavanagh M, Eldridge MDB, Gollan JR (2014) Testing the ability of topoclimatic grids of extreme temperatures to explain the distribution of the endangered brush‐tailed rock‐wallaby (Petrogale penicillata). Journal of Biogeography 41: 1402–1413. 

Ashcroft MB, Gollan JR (2013) Moisture, thermal inertia, and the spatial distributions of near-surface soil and air temperatures: Understanding factors that promote microrefugia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 176: 77–89. 

Ashcroft MB, Gollan JR, Warton DI, Ramp D (2012) A novel approach to quantify and locate potential microrefugia using topoclimate, climate stability, and isolation from the matrix. Global Change Biology 18: 1866–1879. 

Ashcroft MB, Gollan JR (2012) Fine-resolution (25 m) topoclimatic grids of near-surface (5 cm) extreme temperatures and humidities across various habitats in a large (200 km by 300 km) and diverse region. International Journal of Climatology 32: 2134–2148. 

Ashcroft MB, French KO, Chisholm LA (2012) A simple post-hoc method to add spatial context to predictive species distribution models. Ecological Modelling, 228: 17–26. 

Ashcroft MB, French KO, Chisholm, LA (2011) An evaluation of environmental factors affecting species distributions. Ecological Modelling, 222: 524–531. 

Ashcroft MB (2010) Identifying refugia from climate change. Journal of Biogeography, 37: 1407–1413. 

Ashcroft MB, Chisholm LA, French KO (2009) Climate change at the landscape scale: predicting fine-grained spatial heterogeneity in warming and potential refugia for vegetation. Global Change Biology 15: 656–667.



Read 3531 times Last modified on Friday, 16 December 2016 16:15

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